On the 12th of October 2023, Fondazione SAFE actively participated in the workshop “CBRN Risks and Threats in the New International Scenario organized by the Institute of International Affairs. The workshop highlighted the importance of bringing the attention of the political world and public opinion to the challenges posed by Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) threats. It also emphasized the critical importance of fostering cooperation at both the national and international levels to effectively prevent and manage potential CBRN emergencies.

During the second panel of the workshop, Andrea D’Angelo, President of Fondazione SAFE, addressed the issue of technological, operational, and institutional responses to counter potential CBRN threats. D’Angelo stressed that institutions responsible for CBRN risk mitigation and response must possess the most cutting-edge and innovative technological solutions to execute their preventive and responsive strategies effectively.

The workshop was attended by a group of prominent speakers, including Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President of the International Affairs Institute, and Prof. Michele Nones, Vice-President of IAI. Both advocated for a comprehensive understanding of potential threats and the most effective means to counter them. They also expressed their support for the technological development and innovation led by Italian institutional entities in the fight against CBRN risks.

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in discussions about recent advancements in CBRN research and illustrated emerging technologies worthy of investment which included artificial intelligence, robotic systems, advanced sensors, and innovative materials, all of which hold substantial promise in the ongoing efforts to address CBRN challenges.

Technology and innovation in CBRN domains hold significant importance, and SAFE is increasingly emerging as a key player in advancing this integration.