Working on projects that help improve security measures and protocols in various domains.



    Raising AwareneSs for the protection of places of worsHip by pRomoting interfaith dIalogue on the use of advanced tEchnologies

    1.303.276 Euros
    24 months
    Italy, France, Germany Romania, Poland

    SHRINEs main objective is to share knowledge, tools and good practices on the protection measures in places of worship among several Member States through an interfaith network involving catholic, muslim, protestant and jewish communities. A public 4-months Hackathon on an European level will be organised to identify technologies that could offer tangible solutions to these security challenges.


    POrtS unitED Against corruption

    760.740 Euros
    03/2023 – 03/2025
    Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain

    Project POSEIDON aims at strengthening European-level initiatives against corruption in the maritime sector, with a specific focus on corruption in the largest ports. The objective is to gather governmental and private stakeholders, law enforcement, research institutions and networks, with the aim to fill the existing gaps on port corruption research, develop a targeted port integrity and risk assessment tool, and promote inter-port dialogue. A key outcome of the project will be the establishment of an informal network of key public and private actors in the field of anti-corruption in ports, for communication and exchange of information, experiences and good practices.


    EnvironMEntal cRImes’ inTelligence and investigation protocol based on mUltiple data Sources

    5.525.062 Euros
    09/2022 - 08/2025
    Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, Romania, Moldova

    The aim of the EMERITUS project is to realize and implement a protocol for effective environmental crime investigation, complemented with a dedicated international training programme aimed at fostering Environmental enforcement authorities’ intelligence and investigation capabilities at national level and cross-border level.


    Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools

    5.379.572 Euros
    12/2022 - 11/2025
    Spain, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Romania, Belgium, Sweden, Moldova, Israel, Estonia

    PERIVALLON aims to develop an innovative environmental crime detection and investigation platform that will build upon the concept of multidimensional integration of heterogeneous multimodal sensor data, ranging from earth observation data (satellite images), video streams from cameras mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and X-ray scans, to information gathered from publicly available online sources and related administrative documentation.


    Data sharing and Investigative Platform against Organised Thefts of Medicines

    1.579.251 Euros
    Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro

    The MEDI-THEFT project aims at boosting the operational activities of LEAs and other public and private stakeholders in counteracting the theft and reselling of medicines and investigating of suspicious activities through the design of an intelligence-based platform.


    OPerational FAcility supporting the fight against illicit trafficking in CULTural goods

    441.946 Euros
    Italy, Belgium, Romania

    OPFA-CULT project aims at fostering international police cooperation in the field of illicit trafficking in cultural goods, providing practitioners from EU LEAs with financial operational support to ongoing investigations and facilitating networking to set harmonized investigation methodologies.


    Study, Design, Building and Deployment of a CBRN XR Training Platform

    Initiative self-funded by participating countries
    01/2022 – 01/2025
    Italy, USA, Latvia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany

    HFM-NMSG-354 was promoted by NATO with the main objective of developing augmented reality software and hardware for conducting training/training activities for operators in CBRN operations through simulation of multiple practical scenarios.

  • ARZ-CBRN 2023

    Counter Terrorism Field Exercise

    50.000 Euros
    09/2023 – 04/2024

    In the context of the EU CBRN Centers of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) initiative, under the Patronage of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, ARZ 2023 was developed: a 4-day inter-agency CBRN field exercise that focused on key aspects of detection and first response against CBRN security threats. The main objective of ARZ 2023 is to test the capacities to counter CBRN risks, test emergency response procedures, and identify best practices.


    Capacity building for the management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the North Africa and Sahel region

    3.493.850 Euros
    05/2023 – 05/2026
    Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Benin, Sierra Leone

    NAS-BIOCHEM aims to enhance national and regional capacities in identifying, detecting, and managing activities that produce biological and chemical waste.
    The execution of the NAS-BIOCHEM (P91) initiative will be overseen by a Consortium comprising Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), in collaboration with Fondazione SAFE and Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche ‘Giulio Natta’ (SCITEC). Oversight of the project will be carried out by 3 international experts, with additional support from national and international experts on short-term assignments.



    Tailored CBRNe protection measures for hotels and conference centres

    3.277.228,10 Euros
    06/2023 – 05/2025
    Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal

    The HOTHREAT initiative strategically addresses the vulnerability of hotels and conference centers to CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive) terrorist threats. This project unites a consortium of 19 partners from 8 EU Member States, including a mix of private and public stakeholders, experts, security firms, and law enforcement, to fortify the security framework of the EU’s hospitality sector. Its primary aim is to enhance societal safety by conducting detailed vulnerability assessments, identifying best practices, and formulating customized CBRNe protection strategies.




    European Union Libya Expertise, Advisory and Deployment

    5.525.062,50 Euros
    06/2022 – 06/2024

    EULEAD 3 continues the mission of its previous phases, aiming to aid Libya’s institutional development towards becoming a stable, operational country. Following on the success of Phases I and II, Phase III focuses on deploying expertise in stabilization and human security, ensuring Libyan institutions function in a conflict-sensitive and human rights-compliant manner. The project aligns with efforts by the European Union, international partners, and Libyan stakeholders, enhancing stability and laying the foundation for long-term reforms.

  • Technical Assistance to the National Coordinator against Corruption-Sector Reform Contract for the Fight Against Corruption

    02/2020 – 02/2023

    The “Technical Assistance to the National Coordinator against Corruption” project, funded by the EU and managed by A.R.S Progetti S.P.A., strengthens Albania’s anti-corruption efforts.
    The initiative enhances the Ministry of Justice’s ability to develop and implement anti-corruption strategies, focusing on improving the institutional framework and capabilities of the Anti-corruption Directorate.
    Key activities include drafting action plans and fostering collaboration across sectors.

  • eNotice-2

    1.173.554,36 Euro
    Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Czech Republic, UK, Turkey // Belgio, Danimarca, Italia, Repubblica Ceca, UK, Turchia

    The eNOTICE-2 project aims to enhance preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) events, whether they arise from deliberate, accidental, or natural causes. Building on the insights, gaps, and needs identified by the eNOTICE Network of Practitioners, the project focuses on improving overall readiness and response capabilities for major cross-border crises involving CBRN agents or their combinations. A wide range of stakeholders are engaged in this effort, including CBRN practitioners, technology developers, policymakers, and civilian volunteers.