A few weeks ago, we successfully concluded the sixth and final BeSAFE HEAT course of 2023. This was the third year in a row during which Fondazione SAFE, as a certified member of the ESDC – European Security and Defence College network delivered HEAT – Hostile Environment Awareness Training courses to staff of Non-Governmental Organisations, private companies, missions of the European Union as well as journalists and television and radio operators.

What better occasion than this, then, to reflect on the achievements of this three-year period and the challenges that still lie on the horizon.

Between 2021 and 2023, through the delivery of 13 BeSAFE HEAT courses in Italian and English, we trained and prepared over 140 participants for deployment in hostile environments.

The BeSAFE HEAT courses have demonstrated the crucial importance of training for those operating in hostile and high-risk environments.

Over the years, the Foundation’s staff, together with the expert trainers of the Italian Armed Forces with whom we actively collaborate in the realisation of the courses, have planned and delivered training sessions to representatives of a variety of public and private realities, each time tailoring the course to the specific needs of the participants and ensuring adequate preparation to face risks in hostile environments.

The testimonials of our participants speak for themselves: 100% of participants would recommend our HEAT course to their colleagues, describing it as “very well structured, providing elements to improve our security in risky areas or events.” The quality of the training was rated as excellent by 90% of the participants, who highlighted the high level of expertise of the trainers and the clarity of the lessons. The testimonials continue to emphasise the careful delivery of both the theoretical and practical lessons, attributing this success to the exceptional preparation and the humanity of the team of trainers from the Italian Armed Forces and the SAFE Foundation.

2023 was also a pivotal year for BeSAFE HEAT courses, as it marked the beginning of dedicated ongoing support for the training of 160 RAI journalists and operators. During the summer of 2023, more than 40 RAI employees were trained to operate in high-risk environments. The awarding of this contract represents an important milestone for the Foundation, and we are honoured to continue this commitment in the coming years.

Our gratitude goes to all those who have made the success of the BeSAFE HEAT courses possible, starting with the excellent trainers from the Italian Armed Forces. We will continue to strive to provide training of excellence and help ensure the security of professionals working in complex environments. Your security is our priority!